Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Well, the apartment search is not going so well. We've started looking in Colorado and we may even look in Arizona. We want to look outside of Utah so we can find more opportunities and hopefully grow up some more being on our own. It's so hard to find something that works for us, not to mention our income was split in half with the job move. We can't afford anything really.. I hope we can find something soon.

The military isn't much help either.. until we get all of Adam's court things straightened out they won't help.. but without their help we can't really get all of his stuff taken care of. It's a vicious circle and it's really starting to stress me out. We've only got two weeks to figure it all out.

So, the apartment search is still on. We're hoping we can find an affordable basement apartment or a one bedroom regular apartment.. but it's just not happening for us. We've got so much to do in so little time.

More updates later.

Much love,
Mrs. Gillen

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